Tuesday, May 20, 2008


These 2 days had been real shitty for me. Yesterday, i turned on the stove and forgot to turn it off for half a day and got an earful from my other half! This had happened before and one time, i forgot to turned off the fire after frying some stuff and the flame must have shot way up high cos the exhaust fan, the salt and cooking oil bottles melted! The ceiling was all sooty and black smoke entered the whole house! Thank God i didn't burn the house down then. Thank God again that nothing was on the stove yesterday. Talk about carelessness...i need to kick myself hard on the head!

Today, something else happened...i was reversing from a parking lot and hit a 4 wheel drive! I swore when i looked back, there was no car coming in. This lady must have must came in when i looked away for a second. Her car only suffered grazes near the back of the car. This is my car.....grrrrr! Another earful from hubby too...eeeeks!

I'm really worried for me now...i'm really getting to be so forgetful and absentminded lately....is this a sign i'm getting some form of dreaded disease or it's just age...


Las montañas said...

aiyah, nothing lah. its just graceful aging. Rx8 so small is a disadvantage. next time drive gigantic land cruisers or SUVs.

BIZZY said...


I didn't know that you started on a new blog...really cool stuff you have here! Looking forward to your postings. Cheers!

Btw, so sorry for the minor accident. Alhamdullillah, you are fine.

coolcat said...

wa'alaikumsalam! thanks for dropping by...saje2 aje...mcm betul..lol

coolcat said...

hopefully lor...hehe!

ModernTaiTai said...

hehehe.. stay cool babe!

J.C. said...

Selamat Hari Raya!

Your incident of forgetting to turn off the stove has happened to me very often. I always forget to turn off the stove when steaming rice. Ended up with dark burnt pot that I had to scrubbed like mad later on! :P